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A member registered Nov 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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ahahaha I'll stop someday...maybe :x

Thanks as always YUU! <3

Thanks a bunch Carver <33

Thanks a lot YUU! <3

Thanks a lot Carver! <3

Thanks a lot YUU! <3

Thanks a lot Chain! <3 Ohh that's a nice one, let me add it to the list ;)

Thanks Carver! <3

Thank you so much Cryptic! <3

Thanks a lot YUU! <3

You are welcome Carver, thanks for your support! <3

Oh yeah I missed that one Carver, I have tons of notifs here and it frequently happens to miss some of thme!
At some point I'm gonna convert every animated object to the rpgmaker format (prolly closing to the 400th update)
Anyways, when designing sprites I think at engines like Unity, Godot and GameMakerStudio

Thanks a lot Last! <3

Ahahah thanks Pow, that sandy variation is kinda essential imo eheh

Thanks a lot YUU! <3

Uhh nice idea! <3

Thanks Carver! <3

Thanks Yuu! <3

Thanks YUU! <3

Thanks Carver! A bit of patience and everything will be clear ;) <3

Thanks a lot Yuu, I like the door too, ngl! <3

ahahaa thanks for your care Carver! There'll be time to sleep <3

nahhh this is too much love, I can't handle it ahaha <333

ahaah thanks a lot peter, I appreciate! <3

Thanks a bunch fizzly <3

Thanks a lot Last <33

Thanks a lot Yuu! <3

Oh damn then I'm gonna thank you even more deeply ehehe <3

Thanks Sharm!! <3 
Yeah, it's almost impossible to avoid banding on big cilinders, and adding too much details between the "bands" carries the risk of a blurry effect and less volumetric cilinder...balance is key as always, and I'm still learning to manage these situations <3

Welcome back pingu, and thanks for your kind feedback! <3
Render everything with pixel art is the ultimate goal, and I feel like my art journey has just begun <3

Thanks a bunch Yuu! <3

Thanks Last! <33

Ahahaha yeah I'm gonna change scene now eheh <3

Thanks a lot YUU! I always struggle with visual effects since it's not my main thing, and reading comments like this always makes me so happy! <3

Ahahaha thanks Carver! <3

Thanks Carver! <3

Thanks YUU! <3

Working on them, thanks for the suggestion! <3

Thanks as always YUU! <3

Hi Carver! Thanks for pointing that out, I actually forgot to add it to the tileset!
It's fixed in the latest version of the WIP folder <3