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Pretty fun, Nice audio i can tell that you took special care for the visuals,
But there's this one thing that's stopping me from playing which is the space key stopping to jump right after death (even tho i do have jumps left on me)

My guess is that there are 2 variables holding the amount of jumps the player has
(lets call them A and B)

A is responsible for displaying the number on the player
B is what is used in the game code to restrict jumping if zero

and then you must have hooked some code on scene loading and you only changed A forgetting B
that results in B turning to zero even tho A is not
And so i can not jump after death

the fix for this is not to use 2 variables in the 1st place

Again nicely done mate cheers


Hey, you almost got it right!

I do a series of checks on the player controller to enable or disable jumping, one of which is seeing if a UI element is selected. Turns out I forgot to deselect the EventSystem's currently selected GameObject when the pause menu is hidden.

Updating to v0.5.1 should fix the jumping issue :)

Thanks for checking out the game, and reporting this bug!