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No worries, I hope that helped.

>That's strange because the text wraps perfectly fine for me
To be clear, I was referring to wrapping while the text is reading out, not wrapping for the finished sentence. Let's say you have a long word that appears at the end of a line, and you're typing it one letter at a time (like myText.text += nextLetter). In the middle of the word, the Text component will realize, "wait a minute, this word can't fit; let's move it down to the next line." I think I saw this a couple of times, but I could have been mistaken.

>I'm using a fixed joint for all the interactive pickups and I'm not even sure how to fix the wonky handling
Yeah iktf. I have dealt with HingeJoint2Ds for a few minor objects, and it's wonky. Dunno what the proper solution is, but I can understand not wanting to focus on it lol.


It's extremely helpful and I appreciate it.

-Oh, I see what you're talking about now. Last time I had this problem, I loaded each dialogue "line" as transparent and then revealed each letter by setting it to opaque to simulate the typewriter effect. Kind of hacky, but it worked, so I might do that here too.

-I'll probably scrap the built-in fixed joint and just make my own. Some other time, lol.