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Hi purchased this game yesterday. It's a lot of fun! I grew up playing a lot of Nethack and obviously this is more simple given the constraints of the 64, but it also plays to the 64s strength in sound and color.

NTSC original hardware here. I've now twice gotten to the 8th level and killed a certain thing which drops an item. When I step on the item it crashes the game completely. I fired up Vice last night to see what happens in PAL mode, but I got to the 8th level and died a normal death. 

Anyhow, great game! Hopefully the crashing issue can be fixed soon, that I assume is probably related to running in NTSC.


we have just released version 1.02 that should fix that issue! Sorry about that, and I hope you get to see the win screen soon! 😊

fantastic! I'll give it a go tonight. Thanks!