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this is amazing! I think you could've gone even juicier with some of the interactions, but restraint is a reasonable approach too. Have to stretch to find things to suggest, so: I felt the music didn't blow me away and the "don't stop" theme didn't feel genre-transformative I guess? I did find I was constantly forgetting the gun exists and wonder what its inclusion does for the trick-based gameplay? might be interesting to play around with some heavy knockback when you fire to spin you around more, perhaps.

Just some thoughts anyway :) really impressed by how good this is!


Thank you!!  And i plan to go juicier but don't want to overdo it either! xD   

As far as the music -was running short on time and wanted to make a quick song that kept the beat without it fighting for attention over the large amount of sound effects I knew were going to be happening simultaneously.

To respond about the gun and how it works with the theme:  the gun exists to help you reach zombies you couldn't reach without breaking your combo (which is also why it's very relevant to the don't stop theme -as it's target shooting under the pressure of maintaining combos to reach the goals.  Some levels have zombies placed in more difficult ways that shooting them makes a big difference (also shooting them gives you a much larger score)  

Oh! Also I loooove your idea for heavy knockback/fire to increase spin -that's great -i'm definitely going to try that!  Anyway, thanks again for your awesome feedback and kind words! :D