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Great job ! That's really polished, it looks good, it sounds good, and it's pretty responsive ! The concept is really funny, and the art style combined to the excellent sound design really make it shine !

There are still a few details that I think could be improved :
- it is hard to understand how the enemy works, without the description explaining the recoil mechanic I would have given up. Maybe making a more obvious  animation when he goes back, and making him change color or facial expression the more he gets it would help a lot.

- The cockroach is very similar visually to the things you have to jump on, so I kept getting stuck by it. The balloon is great because it has a very specific color and is placed higher, if you find a similar way to differentiate the cockroach it would be perfect.


Thanks for feedback and kind words! Really good advices. I thouht about these things too, but had lack of time.