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Aaaaand that's it, I've finished catching up with the game

That was great ! I love all the characters but...yeah, Tyson is definitively the best boi out there, without a doubt

Is it bad that I wouldn't have minded an Oswin route ?

However I have a quick question, a bit spoilery tho

In the end I never got to use some of the passwords I got from Hoss' list, 4 of them actually. Do you think they're gonna have some use in a future update or did I somehow miss the chance to use them during the first days ?

(2 edits) (+3)

They could only Grizz knows but all the previous passwords had something to do with the event you use them for or the people in those events so probably not. 

Also Dave + Tyson sex scene

And if you want, the Tennis Ace/Password crossover


Thanks for the answer and the two links (nah I absolutely didn't need the Dave + Tyson scene *begins the downloading*)

Haven't played Tennis Ace yet, but I wasn't expecting a crossover, it looks interesting !

(1 edit)

Edit: I CAN download it, it just won't open.

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