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(1 edit) (+1)

I can't figure how to solve B18 after it was changed. I know I don't have to destroy the upwards conveyor belt from reading a different comment but still have no idea what to do. I believe I need to get one of the explosive gas cans away from the left wall and use it as a platform to stand on to get to the next level but I feel like the method I'm trying to use where I blow up a block in the upper right portion of the nine to get a space to push the other gas can forwards isn't possible because I don't have enough platforms.Image

(8 edits)

Answer this question: Why does the upper movement  block not need to be destroyed? It is in the way.


Ok, so how do I get across then?

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the tip. i figured out that it's because you can blow up the block it's on instead.  Incase anyone else is wondering how to do that, click view rest on this comment.

First you have to move gas can on the 9 down 1 space and then blow up the block it's on.