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Thanks a lot !
Spamming the same key is indeed boring and there are things I could have done for that. Many people already mentioned it so I should try to do something if I'm working a bit more on the game, like more just than debugging it.

Glad you like the little accessibility option ! For some reason this one was not this quick to implement (mostly because the code was not initialy planned for the player to go down, so at some point you could just disable the lava, go down, reenable it, and you were below the lava without dying haha), but I deeply believe it was worth it :)


At least for me,  as someone with messed up joints, it's less that it's boring, but more an accessibility/physical discomfort thing personally.  It also is another not terribly costly thing to implement as an option.  If for whatever reason it did feel core/important to have the player get that clear feedback of pushing a button and seeing gun go boom, that hold to fire might somehow feel inadequate, then I think to support that the right design path would probably not be a rapid-fire machine gun you need to shoot a bunch vs something you do slightly less often and is a little bit more impactful. Just some food for thought :)