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Oof I don't like bad endings either since I'm one of those people that lowkey actually care for the characters and I don't want them to suffer 😅🙈 so i wish you good luck to writing the remaining bad endings

Also I agree with both the previous comments. I think if you think that recruiting a new proofreader would be beneficial then go for it. Definitely think this could be something to ask the remaining proofreader how they feel and maybe they'll know someone who would be interested in becoming a proofreader. 

I hope everything works out and I hope this week for you goes well too!

Thank you, angelinachea! Yes, I think I will do the bad ends for last? The fighting scene is also a bit vague rigt now so I'm stuck between a hard place and a rock  OTL

And yes! There's someone I contacted, hopefully we click and things will become better soon ><

Thank you for encouraging me~ QuQ



Ooh I see aww it’s okay. Sometimes you could look to your fave games, stories, shows, etc for inspiration? Maybe that’ll help ☺️

Oh yay! Yeah fingers crossed 🤞🏻 that it works out

And of course no problem, I just want you to succeed!