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Can you please make a translated version of the Read-Me and the game, please?  English speaking people want to play your game, as I feel it would be really awesome.

A translation is in the works, and will be out soon™. Thanks for being interested! Out of curiosity, where did you find out about the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

Through Jacksepticeye playing your other short game about coffee. I wanted to check out your other works and came accross this, it sounds really fun and very fascinating.


Hey, bet you thought you'd never hear back, huh?

Well, the english localization of the game, NEOS AIRES 2070: Sunday Comes First, was just released!

Check it out at:

Better late than never?


Wow, that's awesome and yeah, late is always better. Thank you for letting me know. 

No problem bro.