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I was playing on keyboard.  I tried holding at different times, but when running and doing it, I was getting some mixed results.  Maybe I need to go back and give it more time.  The lack of air control though hurt in getting those exact movements to navigate platforms.

I'm guilty too, as my game, Porter, is fairly floaty, but considering I don't have a lot of finite control requirements, I'm excusing myself, hehe.

I played exclusively on a controller when I was developing, so you might be right though. I'll take a look and see if I can fix it later :)

Cool.  What was this written in?

Also feel free to play and rate my entry too.  Always good to get feedback on your own attempts.

I've been meaning to check out all entries once I'm a bit less busy, I'm sure I'll come across yours at some point :) 

It was made in monogame!