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Yes, the Acarhyn (including Rahia, Caese and Erylin) will return at some point. Your choices in the past few episodes will determine how friendly that meetup will be. ;) Hope you enjoy what's coming!


Thanks for the reply! I'm sure I'll enjoy the next chapter. Again, kudos on making me go from wanting to just scorched earth all the Acarhyn to actually caring about them. Rahia, included, to the point where I keep going back and forth on if I should go solo for the hunt or partner with the warriors as my main play through. You really made the warrior women interesting and got me to like them... except Erylin, I still want to see her get her comeuppance (aka justice from the barrel of my rifle). But who knows, with the quality of character building and story telling you have I may end up finally having a turn for her as well... doubt it, but we'll see.