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No Linux build this time?

I skipped paying to try the Windows build on Wine, figuring I'd come back and make the donation if it ran, but it didn't work.  If Mateusz puts out a Linux build, I'd be happy to buy it.  The Win build failed at first because I have a quad-head setup and use NVIDIA all around, but it's logically all 64-bit, so it threw an exception (vague and unhelpful) in Wine.  I installed the 32-bit drivers, and this time it just crashed out with no explanation or excuse.  I'll try to strace and/or grind the crash tomorrow, but a Linux build would likely be the better solution than emulation.  Just because I use almost exclusively open source (and am a dev in several of the projects) doesn't mean I'm not happy to pay people for their efforts if it's something like this, which I enjoy every year.