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Hi, some feedback for the game :)

So I was really confused on how to play this game. It isn't clear who is battling who. Maybe add some instructions and more clear indicated through UI or animations. The game looks alright, it's just not clear. Maybe in a future update work on that and add a sound system? some sound effects and music would add a lot to the game. Keep up the good work :)

If you want me to  play test an update or a new game release of yours, contact me here on itch or on my discord. My discord link is in my profile page.

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for the feedback :)

So I have developed this game without much design in two weeks. Some extra animations and sound effects would be good to make the gameplay more clear. A future update is a about to come in time, and some play test would be good.

Yes, I could use extra feedback from your play testing.