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(1 edit) (+6)

I remember seeing some of the hate from those keyboard-tough-guys (I think on a subreddit iirc) quite a while ago now. But not really knowing anything about Warframe, I gave you a fake internet point and moved on.

Today I was browsing the ENNIES nominees to see if there was anything cool I missed from 2021 and saw Slayers (nice work and congratulations! very excited to try that one), which lead me to Light (the list of games I need to play now growing by the minute) and ultimately brought me here. Your work is amazing and I'm so happy to see how this turned out from when I first caught wind of it. Your hero's journey, if I may be so bold.

People suck. But Humans are wonderful. Thanks for bringing joy to my day and soon to my gaming table. Stay Human.


Thank you so much for the kind words, I really really appreciate them!