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Joey V

A member registered Jan 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice little adventure. I might run this as a scenario for They Cried Monster. I think they would compliment each other well.

Unique and interesting adventure. Very well executed for use at the table.

My only recommendation is to add a link to your Patreon here or on your main Itch page so people like me who found you here can find you there too.

this is great!


I absolutely love the "mist" option for Glades!

Thank you so much!


I had thought about adding some simple roll tables for NPCs, encounters, ect. But I don't want to tie it to any setting or genre. I might just add a few tools to help a GM incorporate it into their story, like a list of vague hooks or reasons why the PCs might sit down to play. I could also add optional rules to make it a gm-less one-shot rpg in itself.

Any feedback you want to share is welcome.

Thanks! No, I haven't run it yet. Probably in the next few weeks for a group of kids. I'd be happy to follow up afterwards. Cheers!

Hi Matt! I wanted to run this adventure but didn't want to have to rely on the web page, so I made a simple reformatted version for my personal use. But I also thought others might benefit from it so I created a quick itch page for it here (the password to access to page is "mightier"). With your permission I will make the page public, or you're more than welcome the host it on your own page instead. Let me know. Thanks!

Perhaps one of these can be a Bindywig?

Here's another opinion. I like the layout. It reminds me of Into the Odd. And as someone with reading difficulty, this is much easier for me to digest. I'll pay for extra pages if it means I can read it.

Thanks for sharing! I used these here. They're perfect!

nothing here. ?

I love the layout of the different social tiers for classes.

This a great! Thanks for sharing.

didn't realize about symbols and numbers. I'll take another pass at it. Thanks!

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Minor correction on page 28, the names and descriptions of rooms 6 and 7 should be swapped.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the response. It could be because I was a late backer. Other folks on Gamefound in the comments section are having similar issues. I had sent "you" a message through the gamefound site about a week ago, not sure if you're receiving those messages.

My email address is [redacted].

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

UPDATE: the creators made everything right. Thanks.

Well, I regret backing this now through Gamefound. I haven't received my pdf copy and the creator is not responding to messages.

Please mark content warning: Edit game > Metadata > Audience & Content > Has sensitive content.

Still open for late pledges.

Into the Cess and Citadel by Wet Ink Games - Gamefound

(1 edit)

Hi! Any plans for a hardcopy?

[edit] Nevermind! Found the Gamefound and submitted a late pledge :)

+1 for OpenDyslexic font. Thank you!

Thanks for the tip!

I normally don't go for really crunchy mechanics like this, but the complex narrative made up for it.

+1 for using OpenDyslexic font!

I'm sitting in my cubicle (browsing and laughing aloud at the "print this version at work" edition. We have around 500 employees and I think everyone needs a hardcopy.

Imma homebrew this for American paper sizes.

Very cool. Thanks for sharing. (FYI the margins look off, like it was formatted in Letter but exported in A4)

Very cool. I'd love to see some roll tables for this.

The font color for the 2d6 encounters descriptions doesn't print well (at least on my inkjet).

I love what you have so far and am excited to see how it evolves.

Some feedback after reading (haven't played):

  • 4 skill buckets is the correct number :) and I wish more rpgs would do this.
  • Combat sounds overly complicated and there are many steps involved to resolve a turn in (perhaps not once you are used to it though).
  • I can easily make assumptions, but it's not explicit how to resolve ranged combat.
  • A turn being a "trading of blows" reminds of something like Troika!, rolling to see who comes out on top. I don't have issue with that approach, but then using "attacker's weapon dice" versus "defender's armor dice" seems contradictory to that narrative. And it creates mechanical advantages to attacking a certain foe that may not make sense narratively.
  • Personally, I would rather see a wider variety of Paradoxes, even if it means fewer of them; like the Sorcerers' Calamities tables from GLoG v2.

I hope this feedback is helpful. Cheers!

Simple is beautiful.

It's the intro narration from "Quantum Leap", an early 90's TV show. It's the first thing I thought of when I read this project, and thought the premises line up really well.

Doctor Sam Beckett stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. [...] His only guide on this journey is Al, [...] who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. And so, Doctor Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, striving to put right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.