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There's definitely a creepy feel to it, and not just because of the pre-2k rendering - I think it's incredible that C3 is using this today - is this a js softrenderer? I like the sounds, and the exploration concept, but I couldn't find 1 of the dam keys. Also delta timing for WASD is missing, if the framerate drops, walking becomes painfully slow. Try multiply motion by ( last_frametime_in_ms / 30.0 ) or so.


I just updated the game and fixed the movement and the mouse-look from being frame dependent. 

The issue was that I was "lerp"-ing C3's built in Custom movement based on DeltaTime when the built-in functions are already frame independent. And I also found that mouselook was dependent because I was multiplying it by DeltaTime, but the function "On Mouse Movement" already takes framerate into account.

Hope this helps and thanks for the feedback!

That explains it, thanks.


P.S. I added key hints in the description if anyone else has issues too.