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A member registered Dec 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Oh no, this is so sad. Rest in Peace, Mark "The Man" Sibly. We will uphold Your Legacy!

I just wanted to thank him again, because now I use Blitz3D for procedural mesh creation that imports in Cura and then prints on a 3D-printer, Tutorial here:

He didn't like swearing on his forum, and he only once said "crap" in quotes - so I say it too today - crap! But at least, at the current state of the world, he is definitely in a better place now, because even hell seems like a Spa in comparison. But he's not in hell, rather is he working on a compiler that is "cloud-compatible", up there.

So sad news for me on this dec 24. ... a great Man was taken from us .

Rest in Peace!

Very nice, sadly only 2 levels..

Thanks, glad to see it in use-

(1 edit)

Great job, extremely playable. Just make the cursor-down key not also change weapons, for moving with cursor keys besides WASD.

Ah yeah and the cross-hairs  is a bit too subtle IMHO. Makes it quite hard at first.

Looking good so far.

Thanks, Mark, hope You're fine!

Sounds great! Despite the SID and contemporary sound chips were limited, it was the dawn of computers, and there was such a optimistic attitude about it, which was represented in that music, and is still to this day.

Looks very interesting. For  people who are not very familiar with chip-music etc. it would be great if you had a few sound examples linked here, music that was created using the app. (personally I have permanently blocked utube, since their strike-conditioning-crap, so I'd prefer some other host, but that's just me). In theory it might be a 5 minute job to make a webgl music-player and upload it directly to, with the music to be presented.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your work.

Sorry I missed this one. Maybe it works when you have latest DirectX9 support, and legacy support for directPlay, and a way to disable DEP for a particular EXE. (Data Execution Prevention was added with Windows 2000 I guess, causing Blitz3D EXEs to crash when they were compiled before BlitzResearch released an updated Compiler.)

You know, in Windows 10, it often says "Your operating system cannot run this program. Talk to the company who made the program ". But it's a lie! Can you believe that? So then you run the same program with Admin rights, and confirm "yes, I really want to run this." Then it works, and from then on it works even without admin mode.

I tried a batch (.bat file) that would simply redirect a textfile to a COM port (type test.txt > COM3:)  and Win10 said "Sorry pal, this OS cannot run this program, talk to the company who sold you this crap" but you know what? Microsoft sold me MSDOS that it said, doesn't run under Win10... they are crazy lol.

Wow, it's 2024 and I got a Blitz3D Update Notification in my Email. I bought my copy in like 1998 or so. I hope there was some kind of 25th anniversary gala going on.

To this day I frequently use it, and sometimes people are impressed even by the content that tools export, that I wrote using Blitz3D. So they ask me. "Where did you get the tools to make this?" And I say "Oh I just wrote them. Using Blitz3D. The code just fell out of my sleeve."

Like this, I hope you don't mind:

Actually this looks unnecessarily dark on a bright background. Still. The hole island created by one F5 hit, saved as B3D and displayed under WebGL 2 in the Browser, reaching playable framerates (IMHO). Sorry about the pathetic show-off-attempt ^^

Thanks Mark for your great work! Whether Goto is really inevitable we'll then discuss at the 50th anniversary ^^


Ok, I see, thx.

These days I got tons of things to arrange, but maybe I'll circle back at some point later on.

Thanks for letting me know. Maybe try to disable DEP, for this app. Also, does wine support directX 7? Wouldn't there be a license issue?

Yeah, not our fault, but that of mcrosoft. I know many people have this keyboard buffer overflow issue since years in win10, and no fix around.

Funny, not privacy invasion, but a bugged keyboard handler finally made me migrate to linux.

Don't know whether it's my machine, windows sucks - that keys buffer delay bug... Framerate fine, but controls barely responsive. R sometimes not working, also fire. I like the landscape very much, would rather explore it than die so quickly.

Here you go:

It is a rather weak Radeon R3 onboard card in a 2018 laptop. However, I can throw a hunderd kTris at it, no problem. But I've noticed strange slow-down with 4096px textures, compared to 2048px, which is weird. Maybe some address issue. But speed wasn't the game stopper. The dark Character on dark background was. I'll try a screenshot...

Impressive performence. The grass tends to blur to uni-green, maybe try adding a bit of random darkness via vertex color?

Nice design, the grass could be greener IMHO. Mouselook way too sensitive, and pointerlock missing - hard navigation. Camera dives into geometry.

Hope you don't mind a suggestion. Try: position dummy at supposed camera position, perform linepick from player character to dummy, then position the camera where the line hit geometry, if any, else at the dummy position.

(platforms can also hardly be seen)

Nice, except the character can hardly be seen, making it impossible to play. Framerate at the lower end. But really nice design and sound.

Also, there seems to be a competition for the keyboard, the game doesn't have full focus. When I press up/down, the page scrolls, despite mouselock. (Pretty scary, watching comments, no mouse^^)

Here's what I do to get forced, exclusive focus, despite itch's messing with the keys handler. I add to the canvas an  onclick handler, that calls a function that will:

var mycanvas=document.getElementById('yourcanvas'); 

It could be, that by not having full focus, the thread has a low cpu priority.

Also, have a look at the js error console, there's a bunch of warnings.

I tried that car at

It's about 10 fps on this non-gamer 2018 laptop. Try use the option to run the game in a new tab.

And maybe it's worth to look into that js assembler thing:

If I remember correctly, it can use the GPU, and do 3D vector calculations in a single processor instruction (like shaders do). Sounds perfect for a software renderer. You might end up faster than webGL.

This is weird. I remember last time this ran fluid, maybe 30 fps or even more. Now I get like 2 fps. Did you change anything? Or did somebody inject a crypto miner? You never know these days.

Or maybe it's the GIFs on the same page.

Glad you're fine with it. Hope you're fine.

Thanks. I had some engine limits. Like the outlines of masked textures are sharp and clumping, ruining the horizon unnecessarily. But generally speaking, yes, procedural can do a lot. You invest a lot of time in finetuning the procedure, hence a quick testing option is required. Once it is nicely tuned, it will take you just a click for a whole new world. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration ^^ Trees are originally procedural as well, see my procedural pine tree thing. Here I render those trees from 4 different angles, and cover 4 intersecting triangles with these renders. These ultra-lowpoly trees were meant as distant LOD trees, and on close distance they were meant to be switched with a higher poly version. But the thing became slow already, so I never added that.

Thanks! As a matter of fact I'll just play it again.

Beautiful and very atmospheric. Yet the camera is permanently jumping a bit up and down, or back and forth - is that intentional? When I set the cam angle so I see the horizon, framerate is grounded.

I checked the terminal repeatedly, not sure after opening the car etc. Pity it doesn't save my game state in a cookie or webstorage. But thanks!

Beautiful, but I got stuck after unlocking the car, can't seem to get to any further location, other than office and construction site.

Thanks! This "game" is mostly to show the output of the "fancy terrain generator". Pity tho, with an island that size, I'm getting a low framerate if I add too much NPCs and additional meshes like buildings.

However, making the terrain/ island only about 1/4 of the size, would be the way to go. All the other things like Ammo, medipack etc. pickups would then be simple additions. But the trees still need a proper LOD handler, right now only the ultra-low-poly version is shown, regardless of distance (4 triangles per tree). Also, I have to find a way to get smooth seams on alpha-masked, yet correctly z-sorted geometry, such as the trees. Also, fog causes a white seam problem with these alpha-masked textures, so I use a fog substitute made out of a  couple of add-blended cubes around the camera - far from elegant.

What  I really like here however, is how the grass adapts to the ground color, like the shade under trees, which is just individual vertex-color on the actual terrain mesh. And also, how the grass grows perpendicular to the  ground angle, and not just aligned to  the Y axis.

After 25+ years of windows it will be a pain. all the familiar tools I have to find substitutes for, and when I tried linux in the past, it was a lot about typing some cryptic bash commands, while being unaware what I'm actually doing.

But I've seen some vids about the "wicked engine", it's mind-blowing. And has a port for linux. No html5 target tho, but I'll find something there too.

Windows is good in many aspects, but this single keyboard problem, that seems to be persistent, without any attempts by microsoft to fix it, renders the whole machine practically useless. Whenever this behavior pops up and really pees me off, I can literally feel my hair turning grey. This is not a bug, this is a tool of psycho-terror. ^^

Yeah, I'll let people know how the migration went.

A lot around my head these days, but I'll see.

Looking good. You say it's the 2d context, so it's a software renderer? That's ambitious. Despite potential speed limits, or polycount, looking great so far. Make sure to support lightmaps, alpha-masked textures and add-blendmode.

Good work there. In webgl the camera near clipping range is to far,  I can peek through walls when close to them.

I only played "germany" and didn't reach Angela Merkel. She must be down there somewhere tho.

No I meant I may have to switch to linux. I got this keyboard buffer issue in win10, you press WASD or cursor keys in a game, response is delayed half a second, and then it fills the buffer with a million keystrokes, so when you release WASD, player keeps on walking, sometimes for like 10 seconds. Tried to find a fix, seems a common problem that always returns, even after some annoying cold booting health scanning/fixing thing. And it's not all the time, but about half of the time, almost like on odd minutes it works normally, on even ones it's totally screwed.

How can it be that such a prominent OS doesn't even have a working keyboard? A C64 keyboard is technical perfection in comparison.

I guess they get ESG perks if they add bugs to the product. Or / and maybe it's some authority rootkit keylogger that no antivirus detects.

So that's why I may switch to linux. Just have to find a distro that's good for games design and media editing.

I didn't know there was a wave until I was looking back. Needs rear mirror lol. Nice mapping.

Either way, windows keyboard buffer bug is taking the fun out here. Maybe linux soon.

I'm fine, thx, hope you too.

This code uses vertex color, but has the alpha in the texture of the trees. The B3D saving code has some remarks, should be possible to mod it so it will use vertex alpha. In the CSP engine  update there are some tools, one is a terrain splatting tool with up to 8 textures, with sourcecode, and can save B3D.