This is incredible! It's really well designed, nicely paced as well. Can't believe you managed to do all of this in the time available, it's massively impressive!
The only problem I have with the game is the final level - sometimes the skulls would appear, sometimes not. Sometimes they'd be directly behind my character while jumping, but the 'dust' your character makes when climbing walls looks similar so at times I'd be about to take damage but have very little to no time to react.
Regardless, it's got some pretty challenging parts and I really enjoyed it.
Found a bug that ruined my day - when you beat the final boss you lose control of the character. I'd used the upwards strike attack as my final move and the character simply continued to fly forward and land in a spike pit. I watched at their life drained as the screen faded before the ending screen could appear, and then... the level started again. This happened to me twice, only on my third attempt did I manage to avoid this and get to the ending!