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To Adventure: I like your exploration in instrumentation in using strings, harp, and both low and high woodwinds. The music builds as you add in new instruments which gives the arc of the entire song a nice rounded feeling. The I-V-IV progression definitely helps produce the happy atmosphere. It would have been nice to hear some variation with a minor chord or a deceptive cadence, but this works very well as a title theme which are usually not meant to be long loops anyway.

Clash of the Fang: The use of 18/8 (or 12/8 + 6/8) time immediately catches the attention and places the listener in a situation where they feel off-guard, thereby enhancing the chaotic battle feeling that you want the player to feel. I also appreciate the sense of additional chaos that the fast and intense piano runs give off in the background. This track would get me pumped to engage in battle for sure!

To Lose a Comrade: The use of choir definitely helps give off the epic mourning vibe you intended. I noticed that the chord progression is very similar to the previous track and with them being in the same key, it sounds like these are variations of the same song and would work well as a situational or character theme in your game.

Overall: I think your strength is in creating a gameplay setting in your mind and figuring out how to have your music explain that setting as much as possible. I appreciate your use of a common theme to help tie these tracks together so that it is clear they are all part of the same story. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!