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tbh I got a little bored, but before I did I never really felt I was in control over whether the code was being reviewed or not. It wasn’t easy to reconcile the developers actions with their active task, and honestly outside of this game and in the real world most of this happens according to process and doesn’t require such a hands on process of a PM moving each ticket through each stage about and re-allocating them.

I thought the game idea was really quite innovative and I gave it 5* in that category but I didn’t feel like I was actually building software. Perhaps the tickets could have been more than just a number but could have told a story in themselves (maybe even some ironic ticket titles showing how design by committee results in everything we build being blue + grey!)

Nice idea, and hey - and the only “bug” I found may have been a feature ( accidentally moved a bug ticket to done and couldn’t move it back… )

Thank you for playing. I agree with the tasks feeling a little bland, there were plans to give each of them a generated description, but that had to be dropped for the jam submission. And yes, that last thing is by design: once merged, it's merged, with or without bugs. :)))