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Cool game ! Nice art and nice polish. I like how you mixed the mechanic in different boss fights. My only problem would be with signs & feedback. I would sometime get hit by some attacks and live and sometime die right away, I don't know if I had HP or something. Also I was unable to understand the cloud boss, it would sometime be hittable and I waste sure why and where to shoot at it, I manage to beat it with luck, but since I never ready understood how it works, I could could not beat the boss combining them because of the fact I didnt understand how the cloud boss works.

Really cool game.


Thanks for taking the time to play! Yeah I should have just axed the fire. Hitting fire makes you pass out, and hitting boss things is a 1 hit kill. As for the cloud boss you can shoot fireballs into the tornado which in turn spin up and into the cloud to do damage, or you can use a spike on the lightning bolts to reflect them back at him to do damage that way. I definitely learned that I should convey my mechanics better from that jam. In the future I will probably just limit the mechanics so as to not make things too complicated. Haha. Thanks again so much for playing!! :)