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Man, this was wild. I was playing with keyboard, sadly, but I still enjoyed the heck out of it. My main struggle was with range; getting the right distance on a curve is harder than it looks.

It was also kind of counterintuitive that the gun swayed vertically by default, but I suspect I would've been even more disoriented if I had to do a vertical curve by leaning sideways and then doing a sideways swing. It's probably easier with controller, where you can precisely control the lean.

Overall, a really interesting experiment in input. I really appreciate experiments like this, even if I can't quite wrap my head around the necessary inputs.

actually yeah seconding this - judging the range properly was probably the single most challenging thing for me, even including the whole "really hard to control via keyboard" thing. i'm honestly interested to see how this game would work in VR, where range-judging should be much easier for anyone with a larger-than-average number of eyes

also, while i'm here - i forgot to mention this in my original comment but the sound design is amazing - it's minimalist but conveys a lot