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so excited to see a jam entry from blendo! love this concept. the best visual moment for me was catching a frame of what felt like a hundred cars on my tail. I'm not convinced this would suck as a first-person driving experience; there would be many opportunities to make the game more diagetic (using the copilot as a spotter, watching them hook ammo off of a downed vehicle, snapping your mirrors in a wreck) but would certainly change the design space. I'm sure you had your reasons!

it seems as though very few games have done the codriver thing right (sub rosa comes to mind) and I definitely like how you applied this to a single player experience. would certainly like to play more.

the driving model feels quite awkward and orthogonal to my input, almost as though the fixed loop is running fast. every input seems wildly extrapolated, forces and damping unusually strong... could it be that you tuned this for 60hz?

playing this gave me warm and fuzzy reminders of raptor safari, flotilla, on the run, and mad max, in no particular order.