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I wanted to download this game but I wanna know, what is the difference between the 64-bit and the 32-bit. Also, The difference between the offline browser and the Windows download because I wanted to download the Windows but if I can, I wanted to reduce my internet data consumption by downloading the Offline browser one. Can someone tell me please?

64-bit and 32-bit (the latter is also called x86) refer to your system’s CPU architecture. Most modern PCs are 64-bit, but some 32-bit systems are still being made, generally as low-end and budget computers. If you aren’t sure which you have, the 32-bit version should run on either kind of system. More info.

As to whether to get the browser version, you can if you want. If those MBs are valuable to you, the browser version is serviceable enough, I think.

If you’re on a limited or metered connection, note that the game is receiving an update on the 20th. As to whether that’s worth waiting for, that’s up to you. The updated version is going to be rather large, about an 80 MB increase across the board on every version.


Thanks for the quick answer and the Info, I guess I will be waiting for the next update rather than being impatient and wasting my internet data for downloading the game just 3 days before the next update. I will be waiting for the update so keep up the good work!