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I took the time to download and play through the demo.  To be quite honest, for me the time seemed to slip away, as the demo is probably a couple hours of play, but went by really fast.  I never quite felt like I was grinding through an RPG, even though I was.  I was very engaged with the character progression tree, I liked how it was organized and planned out.  The demo doesn't get too deep into the story, but left me very curious where the conflict was heading to.  There are a lot of mechanics in this game that lends itself to letting  me believe the author of this title is a true fan of RPG games, and thought beforehand on different takes to solve common tropes of RPGs.  The level designs are setup in a manner where I desired to explore every nook and cranny of each submap.

This title I will come back to for sure, and look forward to the full story that will scratch that itch that always keeps me looking for the next new exciting title.  


LOVE! Thank you so much! So happy you're enjoying the game!