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2:17:31 -  I guess the game have froze when I stepped on trigger but not sure yet.

18:07 - insane grind bug, everytime I'm grinding in this place. Never happened before in betas & pilot episode.
23:55 - KS are going crazy. Happens most of the time you moving outside->underground->back to the town.

2:17:31 I don't think is a freeze, this is something to do with the menu system. When you click outside of one of the icons, all the icons get deselected and can't be navigated back to with the gamepad. It's a game-wide issue. Fix coming up.

18:07 I've just found the cause of. Fix is done.

I've redone the KS. No word on whether this'll stop happening.

Nothing is up yet. Currently trying my hand at re-baking the lightmap so you get it working properly.