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I'm sorry but I wasn't able to finish the game. First 20 minutes or so was just aiming mouse at the red flag far in the horizon and holding W + Shift to slowly move towards that direction. I kept having the same objective displayed to get some food. I found a shed which I was given the code to, but the shed didn't have any sort of keypad, so I went further. Finally I encountered the base, and a new objective was given to scout the base. I collected a bunch of planks and tarps, and found a keycode to basement. Later on i found the door to the basement, there was no key i needed to enter. I found the breaker, it clicked when I pressed it and... nothing. I went back to the base and nothing has changed. At this point I was just too worn out to continue :(

I feel like the ambition for the game was too large for the 2-week period of the jam (apparent by the amount of voice overs unheard of in a jam game! tons). It would be better to scale it waaay down and provide more packed, if shorter experience. I'm sorry for the harsh words :(