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Thanks for the feedback.  :)  This is still something I want to do in some form or fashion, it's just that I'm a little unsure how to approach it.  I've tried to grow a following on Patreon before (on a completely different topic) but unfortunately it didn't go very well and I ended up feeling kind of burned as a result.  Plus we've had a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on in 2021 that kept us from sitting down and looking hard at changing up how we're doing things.  It's clear that it's time to try some new things, I'm just not sure exactly what that might be like at this time.

We really appreciate all the support, though, and we'll try to figure out a way to handle it that makes as many people as possible happy.  :)

I've got everything from Kokoro Reflections except Halloween Party and Lighting Kit.  I will get them at some point.