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Certainly the most impressive title screen of the jam. (Though I think the blur style could be upgraded.)

Well-crafted visual and audio presentation with nice banter dialogue. And even a log that even lets you go back in time. Nice. Even just exploring the UI feedback in various places is enjoyable.

I couldn't figure out how to leave the options screen at first, since there is no visible back button and the options screen does not respond to escape (if entered via the main menu). When the options screen is entered via the pause menu, escape closes everything at once, which may or may not be intended.


Thanks! The blur style is actually the laziest possible implementation, it just uses low-LOD sampling. Technically not even a blur :P

I’m planning to add an on-screen button prompt for common navigation keys to avoid confusion, regrettably that didn’t make it in this version (but it is Z/left click to confirm and X/right click to go back for anyone reading these comments).