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You will need to make a boot disk or boot from hard drive with no startup-sequence for machines with just 1Mb of RAM, as Workbench takes up too much memory for the game to run. Unfortunately, I can't distribute autoboot ADFs because it would require paying an annual license for a couple of AmigaOS library files.

okok i understand. But say that I have a license how do i make a Boot disk to make it run on a no hdd A500? Do I make it in winuae?

Cheers // Axbakk Games

WinUAE will work, yes. From AmigaOS you will need to create a blank bootable disk, create directories "s" and "libs" on it, copy the game files to it, copy diskfont.library and mathtrans.library from your AmigaOS LIBS: directory to "libs", and finally create a "startup-sequence" file in "s" to run the SantaRocks executable. It should autoboot then.

thanks. Will test it tonight. Get back to you with results 😊

cheers // Axbakk Games

in witch folder do I put the gamefiles? 😂

And in s just a start file and in libs the files from Amiga os?

Game files start at the top level, and keep their directory structure.

s and libs - yes, as I described.