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I really enjoyed the aesthetic of this game! Also as a fellow Italian, seeing the setting transformed into a VN was a very fun experience. Congrats for the sprites as well, they were all very original.


Thank you so much!!

It was our very first game so we're happy to see prople liking it and having fun! I've always played VNs as a fan and it was really fun work on one for once! Definitely have to do that more!

Also, other creative persons in Italy??? So happy! We have to chat in the future! ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ


If you're on discord in the dark pack server I'm Archon Bun there. : )

I don't think I am?

Too many discord servers XD Send me an invite just in case if you don't mind - here or you can send me a pm on twitter ^^