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Game errors on launch :( "Fatal Error. Failed to load mono." I tried your suggestion in the comments of extracting to a fresh folder but no dice. Also tried redownloading the zip but issue persists. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Daggan works fine.

Someone told me it worked for them when they extracted in a folder in the desktop, some people have issue with paths being too long :O

Be sure in your folders paths there are no accents or weird symbols in your files names, and keep them short.

Tell me if anything works!

Still having trouble, I even tried extracting the zip contents directly on the desktop. Someone suggested dropping the mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll and UnityPlayer.dll files into the Data folder but that hasn't helped either. :( No weird characters in the folder paths or anything either.

It's a rare but tough Unity issue (the game engine).

Unfortunately all I can advise you at this point is to ask a refund :(

I'm very sorry for all your trouble