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A member registered Nov 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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It's just a very first build with raw gameplay features UwU Everything is meant to be polished and improved, and also explained with tutorials and clues. Like for the first Daggan :3

Nah I finished working on Daggan a long time ago and I wanted to continue its story, but hundred of years later. Basically I'll had sex scene with giant robots and gods.

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If you're not sure about it you can easily find pirated versions UwU but if you do and you enjoy, please consider buying the official one! <3 

Not yeeeet I paused the dev of this game until March!

Hello! I wanted to publish a new update around the end of 2024 but I lost a loved one in a very long and painful manner during October and December ^^' So I wasn't able to work on anything since then, and I plan to go back to work slowly but surely this January.

Supposedly 10 !

I see :3 I totally understand and I'd love to add more keywords but tags are limited on itch and I had to choose the ones describing the best the whole game :( but I'll update the game's page to talk a bit more about it!

Aaaaw thank you that's amazing XD I'm gonna take a big break to enjoy your video!! And if you have a twitter/bluesky I'll be more than happy to share and tag you!

I see space for improvement!! I'm making a ton of efforts to clean and optimize the code of the game now that I have some time for it UwU The next update will be greatly different performance wise!

It's actually normal!!

This is the best comment I received in a while XD thank you so much I'm really happy people can have fun with my games!! I'm doing my best to deliver cool stuff and I only do this for me and for people like you UwU

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write me this feedback, it means a lot!!

I'm very aware of the gender icons, but I actually need the opposite, I need something to describe the reproductive organs! So the player can easily spot who can be pregnant and who can inseminate. But I'm roughly going with icons like: egg vs sperm cell. Works for all creatures UwU

As for the genders, they're not really used for the moment in the game since I don't planned to add dynamic dialogues, but who knows!!

Thank youuu! Yeah quite work remaining for more varied combats, but I'm very happy you enjoyed it and that you take the time to give me some feedback!! :0

Thank you very much, I'm having a ton of fun doing this one XD

Apart from sending them far enough from any wanderer, there isn't any solution for this issue :/

To cancel all the magic in the dungeon you need to build a statue dedicated to a specific bovine god UwU

Wait what? Stop doing that!! Or else I'll remove diagonals in the next release!!!

For the moment now, this version is just an early one! A lot of work is still waiting X)

Not yet, I've been using custom save files to experiment until now :3

Frankly I'd love to post the first tiny paid version around october/december but some or the tools and gameplays are not polish enough soooo. Fingers crossed!!

I will probably design specific icons to represent biological functions: sperm on one side and egg on the other. I'd like to avoid any gender based symbolism since most of them are hetero coded UwU Plus it's kinda cool sometimes to come up with fun new icons XD but thanks for your ideas it's a very interesting topic indeed!!

Nobody cared so I had to move on.

It's free and it contains sex.

I did my best over the 3 years I worked on Daggan and I'm still proud of it UwU It's a different game and a different experience but for a one man job I can say it's not that bad for a first game X) and for this new one I intend to work exactly the same! And I'm sure it's gonna rock as well!

It'll come at some point with a proper options menu in the future.

Another is planned for the end of this year but I'm not quite sure I'll manage to finish aaaaaall that stuff in time ^^`

Well thank you for this both hilarious and saddening feedback too ^^' I'm not happy if kids find ways to get to adult content but rest assured I did my best and the game doesn't contain physical and moral violence nor any kind of hateful content.

I'm glad you enjoy it but it stays 18+! There's so much more we can play about adult adventures and I just live that, and I do games for me first UwU If I can kill I can love as well! 

As for the "prototypes", cause I've never done demos in my life, I just don't invest in games nobody cares about. It would be a waste of time and money and I have neither of them sadly :/

Oooh it took me hours of searching the web to realise no good alternative exist for reproduction only :/ if you find any directions or cool examples I'll be more than happy! It's always either the boring unicode sex symbols or child-like drawings of dicks T-T

I think I just need to find other symbols. These ones are too gender coded :(

The icon is just a quick way to identify the reproductive organs of the character. Everything gender related is not limited by any means in the game and are up to your imagination UwU (unless I find a cool way to add dialogues)

Thank you it touches me deeply that you appreciate the direction of my work and see it in a positive way X)

Thank youuu! It's definitely exhausting and exciting in the same time UwU Can't wait to publish more!!

Only a notification and an icon over the pregnant characters. I can't add more because of all the other infos I need to spam X)

This would be waaaay too complicated to add and that's not the scope of the game, plus I'm working alone X) but I do have many monsters planned for combat and sexy encounters

It's planned but for the moment I'm mostly focused on gameplay features UwU and my other gamers do have an option for the mouse anyway

Thank you for your feedback! I took the time to fix that issue for the future releases UwU

Sadly it's not an issue within the game, but mostly how some PCs handle some Unity games. A quick solution is to use shift + Windows + Arrow keys to move windows to other monitors.

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Also you're very sharp and precise in your feedback, if you ever want to test the ongoing patron build feel free to hit me on Twitter or discord!

I don't mind people not liking the game X) I'm making it for me first and I'm thankful for any feedback I can get! I worked 3 years on Daggan and the 30 first builds were... Hum let's say different and ... crappy.

I'm 100% confident it's gonna be great and this early build told me what I needed to know. It's not a demo, it's the current ongoing project. And like all my previous projects I'm working very hard to make it a very fun experience. But that experience is not happening until the 1.0, until all the pieces are there!

For example the whole customisation part is gonna be reworked from 0. Cause frankly don't you expect a winged character to have some good jumping skills? What about shark features?

It's just slow and I'm only asking people to be frank, so thank you, but also to trust me UwU