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A member registered Nov 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank youuu! They're heavily inspired by one of my previous game:

Same! I want to make them the first enemies of the game :3 Can't wait to have them running around!!

Thank youu X)

You can either order your allies to do it for you, or you scroll (mouse wheel) to get to the right tool to gather stuff yourself!

Like all my previous project I'm working fulltime on game-dev, alone, and it's my only source of income. I do everything, from gamedesign to marketing. Still alone. And if that's not polished enough for some there's nothing I can do about it. It's a solo dev project and it will never be perfect. But rest assured I'm proud of all the games I made.

If you ever tried to read the books in the first one, you might be familiar with the gods in Daggan. Well if everything goes right the player will meet and fuck them! Or fight for the agressive gamers X)

Thank youuuu for your feedback! I'm very happy if you enjoyed this little experience, and I'm relieved it's running decently on a small setup, I was really worried about small PCs :3

No you can't :/

It's planned too X) I worked like hell these past 6 months to get to this early version, be sure plenty is coming in the next months as well!

It's planned UwU I removed the feature for this version cause it wasn't ready!

Basically the game is already lust driven X'D they're litterally using sex to fuel and drive their horny mechs! And hopefully I'll get to add all my stupid and lewdest ideas to the game :D

Thank you!!! I'm trying to offer a new experience, while keeping my favourite parts of the first Daggan UwU

I want to add a loooot of mechs and ridiculously big monsters to ... hum .... fight!

Thank you I'm doing my best!!!

(1 edit)

Absolutely, the minigame is just here to accelerate the process OR max the score. If you're good enough you could even play infinitely. And if you don't touch the keyboard it's gonna resolve itself after some time ( gonna be slow and produce weak furries).

In the incoming update it's gonna be a mean of befriending NPCs (making the best score possible). And for the moment it's used to make super strong new furries (and heal but there's no way to injured yourself in this version).

This first version only contains base-building, adult minigame and character customisation. The next update will be focused on fighting and enemies UwU

Fixed! There's a ton of options and I messed up the settings! Will be visible in the next update UwU

I'd love to add more piloting animations and find creative ideas of sexy magic yes!

For the moment you can't, it's just a very early build to get feedback and test the basic game loop UwU So it's very simple.

I literally worked 3 years alone on this. I have nothing more to add. And I'm now working on the sequel, which is gonna be more of everything.

Well the team is just me, myself and I !

I'm working alone so I will never reach all the levels of polish I want, though I'm still doing the best I can and working 200% on it UwU

I'm waiting for Steam to approve the game page!

Nah sex is gonna be a diplomacy tool to befriend NPCs, wanderers or even some enemies if players can calm them before!

Thank youuu! I'll do my best X)

You need to build Manors to have enough population space, then after sex there should be an egg timer over the pregnant character

And more sex :3 he he he!!!

It's true I'm like super proud of my gold veins, you have to find theeeem!!

Thank you I'm super happy you like it so far! As you said there's gonna be a lot of work for the content and all and I'm super excited!! X)

Absolutely it's happening a few hundred years later! And hopefully I'll get to the point where you can meet the gods and ***** them XD

Yes I'm currently waiting for Steam to review it's page!!

Around 40%, at this point it I'll just have to create more content, plus I'm waiting for Steam to review the game's page!

You can have sex with anyone in the game, It'll have benefits. For the moment there's obviously reproduction with MxF but also healing and experience with any combination. And in the future it's gonna be a way to befriend NPCs too

You don't have to play the first one, and yeah it's like a sequel :3

(1 edit)

Oh I'll rework part of the fursona creator so it's gonna be easier for me and for players to use! I'd love to add various heads, claws, fluffs, haircuts for example. And better tails so I can change their patterns individually UwU

If I can do all of this it's gonna be so cool and satisfying UwU

Thank you, I really hope you'll enjoy it, even in this early state UwU it's just the begenniiiiiing!!!

I did everything I could for Daggan and now I have nothing more to add (plus I could break it). Now I'm working add for a fresher and different experience, but in a new game. And it's a like a few hundred years later UwU

Well oddly enough I have the ref!!! XD

Well that's an unexpected and cool bug !!! Thank you for your feedback XD I'll investigate that one

Thank you! There's still a loooot of work to do but I'm so excited With this one!!!

Thank you! I'm doing my best :3