It's just a very first build with raw gameplay features UwU Everything is meant to be polished and improved, and also explained with tutorials and clues. Like for the first Daggan :3
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I'm very aware of the gender icons, but I actually need the opposite, I need something to describe the reproductive organs! So the player can easily spot who can be pregnant and who can inseminate. But I'm roughly going with icons like: egg vs sperm cell. Works for all creatures UwU
As for the genders, they're not really used for the moment in the game since I don't planned to add dynamic dialogues, but who knows!!
I will probably design specific icons to represent biological functions: sperm on one side and egg on the other. I'd like to avoid any gender based symbolism since most of them are hetero coded UwU Plus it's kinda cool sometimes to come up with fun new icons XD but thanks for your ideas it's a very interesting topic indeed!!
I'm glad you enjoy it but it stays 18+! There's so much more we can play about adult adventures and I just live that, and I do games for me first UwU If I can kill I can love as well!
As for the "prototypes", cause I've never done demos in my life, I just don't invest in games nobody cares about. It would be a waste of time and money and I have neither of them sadly :/
I don't mind people not liking the game X) I'm making it for me first and I'm thankful for any feedback I can get! I worked 3 years on Daggan and the 30 first builds were... Hum let's say different and ... crappy.
I'm 100% confident it's gonna be great and this early build told me what I needed to know. It's not a demo, it's the current ongoing project. And like all my previous projects I'm working very hard to make it a very fun experience. But that experience is not happening until the 1.0, until all the pieces are there!
For example the whole customisation part is gonna be reworked from 0. Cause frankly don't you expect a winged character to have some good jumping skills? What about shark features?
It's just slow and I'm only asking people to be frank, so thank you, but also to trust me UwU