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This was an amazing ride, I feel you could add so much more content to it. I loved the characters, they were all really vivid with their own personalities, and the twists and turns of the plot, especially as it reached its end, were all gripping and interesting. Truly fun game, especially for how it incorporated the culture of the area and focused on some fun clans. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to read the whole thing and comment. I'm glad you enjoyed my game, since I so much enjoyed yours. I've been feeling insecure about the length since breaking the poor streamer's (Mirta's) voice, so the kind word has helped pick me up. Your good opinion means much to me, since I know how well you know the World of Darkness setting. Cheers! And thanks again.


OI! The voice is my issue, not the fault of your game. You made a full length text based game in the span of 1 month and you should feel PROUD.