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thx a lot for playing Em! ;D
glad you liked it! ;D

about the drone minigame: you totally right ;)
every body say that about the inverted controlls ;)
so never gonna do that again haha, learned my lesson ;p
about it being to sensetive, I diddn't hear that on ebefore, so good you let me know it :)
the reason its so sensitve is for 2 reasons:
-it was hard to give the player a strong sense of being in controll of the drone
-and the sharp turns of 90 degree did make a problem. (maybe I should have made a sepered area for the drone (now it uses the basement for real))
so thats the reason why, but good to know that diddn't feel right ;)

and also about the robot voice:
also a lot of people having this prroblem.
really wanted to subtitle it, but did not manage to do that in the deadline :| (maybe will push a update in the future with subtitles)

thx again for playin and your feedback Em! ;D