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  • Very pretty visually and aurally
  • Long enough game to where nothing feels rushed and it has time to communicate well
  • Gives gravity to the message without pompousness or pretention
  • The tasks on Friday are unintuitive and required looking up solutions from other players
  • Small buggy or unaccounted for behaviour
  • Theme adherence is iffy
Here & There:

I really enjoyed this, it's a pretty little game that uses the "walking simulator" gameplay to communicate a message and convey issues plenty of people can relate to. The chosen music is very Life is Strange and fits well, the small animations on objects like the plants are quite nice, and the lighting effects are used to great effect such as with that section with the chair. When I didn't know how to  turn off the alarm clock I instinctively threw it and I think I managed to throw it hard enough on my first attempt that it just clipped through the wall and flew into oblivion. I do not know if this was intended. Some polish especially for the actions on Friday would have been nice, because I became lost after cleaning the more obvious items. If the solution wasn't in the same room as the object it was impractical to think the player would know where to take it. The only other feedback I can think of are syntactical errors in the text ("haven't" should be "hadn't"), but that's quite minor, and that I would have appreciated more surreal imagery or explorations such as that night with the chair. I never played Gone Home so I don't know if the themes of this are referential to that or if the sequel aspect is more of a gameplay thing. Very well done.