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Fun game, I was thinking it was all in my head but I'm not sure. It seems the consistency is slightly off for different shots. One time at full launch I exploded, then at full launch somewhere else I didn't explode. Maybe if there were more in-depth instructions or IDK. Something is not quite right but I can't quite put my finger on it. Regardless it is a very fun game. Really enjoyed playing.


Thanks! Yeah, it's quite finicky indeed. My best guess now pretty closely two years after making it, would be that there is some weirdness going on on the collision detection. The physical bodies are composed of multiple smaller shapes jointed together and they can sometimes go a bit bonkers and intersect witch each others and/or walls. I'd guess that the intersecting checks I added were a bit too greedy and abrupt so the cause for deaths is not actually about the collision force. Now thinking about it, it might have been a good idea to implement it so that I'd give a certain small grace period of lets say 20 ms of where bodies can intersect without death and only trigger the destroy if they keep intersecting for longer periods than that.

Well if you ever do an update I would love to play again. Sounds like you have an idea of a way to tweak it. Awesome. I still had a blast playing. It just was hard to figure out what was what. :)