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Text issues:

1. "Refuse to help the villagers" and "Refuse to help the knight" implied to me that if you did this, you couldn't try again. Maybe "Decline to (X) right now" would work better.

2. Typos (I hope it's a matter of just search/replace in the source, but if you need further details, let me know) :

briging -> bringing (when you join GalGeo)

formind -> forming

lond-dea -> long-dead

millennia -> millenia?

sizeable ->? sizable

speciality ->? specialty

warsip's -> warship's

weapory -> weaponry

werstling -> wrestling

defeated out -> defeated our


The cruel pirate captain is dead! You have saved the inhabitants of X from the terror of constant raids. The news spread quickly among the locals, and your fame increases! == The news spreads

In your most terrifying voice, you scream dreadful threats at the pirate. You boast to be the greatest warrior in the Galaxy, slayer of countless corsairs. You're so convincing the pirate loses the will to fight and runs away! == You boast of being

You furiously stab at the beastmaster, piercing the thick hide and dealing damage! == its thick hide

The X of X are happy to hear you're considering hunting some beasts. The wild and bloodthirsty creatures are harassing them constantly, wounding and killing many. They seem to be controlled by intelligence higher than animal. == higher than animals/other animals? a higher-than-animal intelligence?

You've got rid of many pirates, who either are dead of have deserted. The remaining pirates stay away from you. == dead or have. (Also "gotten" sounds a bit better)

You dock with the shipwreck, which is in surprisingly good shape, and go onboard to explore it. == arcane stuff: "The onboard computer" but "on board" as an adverb is 2 words.

You make one more attack and almost pin down the creature's arm The creature makes a gurgling noise and uses her last bit of strength to push back. For a moment, your arms are in balance, then the alien pins you down. == creature's arm. The

However, when you tell the mercenaries about the suppression device you obtained from the scientist, they agree to attack the slavers base with you for a non-negotiable sum of 10000 credits. == slavers'


There are tooth markings on the bones of the skeleton and a golden locket around its neck. There is also a leather bag nearby, with documents that identify the unfortunate victim of the beasts as X from X. == > toothmarks (?) may be stylistic

You shoot at the very right moment, wounding the pirate captain. == just the right moment

News of your exploits has reached the alien warlord, who now is determined to put an end to this personally! == who is now

(Python helped me find some of this.)

Thanks! I posted an update fixing these issues, except for the repair kit one. You're right - changing this would be complicated, and it's not a bug, just an unrealistic feature (that benefits the player).

Also - are you sure that 400 credits was enough to buy common goods at the bugged market? I found the typo that caused this issue, but it required 500, not 400, to buy the goods, and now I'm wondering if I missed something.


Nice job fixing everything! Yeah, I thought using the repair kit might be a bridge too far. But I saw it. I think most players will prefer to heal whatever, whenever.

I think I see where the disconnect was on the goods pricing. Here are three different lines of code I had from my downloaded local copy:

if $credits >=300 [[Buy common goods for 300 credits|wholesalemarket1][$credits-=300; $commongoods+=1; $messagebought to true; $civilised1commongoods-=1]]

if $credits >=500 [[Buy common goods for 300 credits|wholesalemarket2][$credits-=300; $commongoods+=1; $messagebought to true; $civilised2commongoods-=1]]

if $credits >=300 [[Buy common goods for 300 credits|wholesalemarket3][$credits-=300; $commongoods+=1; $messagebought to true; $civilised3commongoods-=1]]

So when you searched and replaced, you saw the one line of code to fix. But there were three.

On my end, I noted the original bug a while back but then played a new game. The first time I stopped at wholesalemarket2, but then, when I re-verified before reporting, I stopped at wholesalemarket3 or 1. But I assumed they were all the same and figured, hey, I should probably write in the additional data. It might be helpful!

(Note: it'd be possible to have tested a lot more values--all multiples of ten--if I had accumulated enough credits and then bought/sold medikits and star crystals. But I didn't see the way to at the time.)

I think this ties up the ambiguities between what each of us saw, and it probably explains why nobody saw it earlier.