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The pixel art is amazing. It really impressed me, what you made with these 8 colors. Not only the ship looks awesome, also the UI is great!

Your soundtrack is also great. It fits the game's atmosphere so well! I love it.

What could you make better in my opinion? The small enemies are a bit to small, also the small enemy-projectiles. They do not stand out from the background so well.
Also the difficulty level was not optimal for me. The normal is a bit to hard, the easy mode to easy. And there could be some more pickups.

But overall, an awesome arcade shooter. Great work!

Thanks for the feedback, the "easy" mode was actually a last ditch addon, but i'm happy with how it came out, I agree the enemies can be a bit small, but 273 was already heavily focused on drawing the boss, I didn't want to put any more on his plate :)