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Great shift put in getting this done in a week. I enjoyed the ary style and the writting. I find it a bit challenging to leave this half way through, but I only have so much time to play and rate each entry. I think it is perhaps too long for a Jam and it feels a shame to not have seen everything that you have done here. I think less is more with this genre and jams too be honest. I occationally felt like my character could walk where it was not intended but it was nothing major. Generally I am impressed.

It's a hefty game   I'll admit, haha.  Even a full playthrough won't actually cover all of the content. 
I think we kind of set out wanting to create a 'full package'  so to speak,  so  we did make something long by jam standards,  and had scope for replay too. 

It  might be rather too chunky if you're short on time,  which is a fair critique for the jam environment,  and even before you said so I was pretty sure there were probably still some buggy areas on the maps,  ( going to try an d root out what I can in the polish period, ) but I'm glad you had an overall positive experience with it ! :)