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The voice acting is probably the pillar of this game in how emotional it is, and the music is a huge contributor to that. I see that subtitles have been added in a newer release which is a relief as the version I played had none and it was a shame. The story is simple, but it's a realistic grief story. The voice talks about missing 'her' less as time passes, but still having harder days- that is pretty damn true of grief, and it made me relate much more. Its quite refreshing to have a sad story about the gays, where being gay isnt the sad part. Instead, its a raw story of grief from the queer perspective, which is healthy and comforting rather than distressing. We need more sad queer stories that are sad in a normal and healthy way.

Thank you!! "sad queer story that is sad in a normal and healthy way" was exactly what I was going for!