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Graphically, sound-wise this is really nice. 

The gameplay was kinda wierd, but I actually quite enjoyed it overall. I'd comment that while the planet orbiting thing is neat, it's actually pretty annoying when rotating the system as it kinda fucks with your sense of where you expect the planets to end up.

The difficulty is kind of all over the place, some rocks you get basically no time to react to.

I don't like that in order to obtain an upgrade or move on, you have to use your mouse to select buttons. This wouldnt be an issue but its the only way you can avoid rocks, which leaves you with an awkward choice between "don't die" and "interact with the buttons" which is kind of lame..

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, i'm not quite satisfied with these powerups myself, maybe some button presses( like 1,2 to sctivate those) would've made big difference. Although there're 'pauses' in waves where things get less intense for a while in which you are supposed to  think about what power up to choose.  As for rotation, with planets not moving at all you would lose intensity in keeping things out of asteroids way, i've tried stationary planets it made things too predictable and less emotionally engaging.