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I like the explosions that the bullets make. Neat animation. It's funny the way you can extend your neck, and I really enjoyed wobbling it back and forth as I ran around. (Does it do anything, gameplay-wise, though?)

I didn't realize you could enter holes until I had beaten like four screens, ha.. I thought they were just stage obstacles since my bullets seemed to hit them also. So I had to double back around to the holes I had passed. Problem is... I got really lost playing this game! Every screen looked pretty similar, and I also wasn't really a fan of the way you could go to the top exit of a screen and then suddenly be at the side of another screen. I would prefer it to be 1:1. So, like, top to bottom, left to right, etc. I think that would help my sense of direction. 

But my journey ultimately came to an end when I went to go take notes about the game and pressed escape on my keyboard, resetting the game. Oof. Maybe a warning would be good "Are you sure you want to reset?"


The neck extension was going to be used for some sections we didn't have time to complete so as it is it only helps to shoot from different directions and to avoid bullets.

As for the other comments we will keep them in mind if we go back to work on this. Thanks.