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(1 edit) (-2)

Finally managed to get this to download.  After several months of getting maxed out DL's or broken links.  Will install and try tonight. (Played and paid for several games on this site, only one I have had this issue with)

 The primary reason I have not become a patreon supporter is due to the level of difficulty I have had even downloading the FREE version of this game.  I am scared to put money into something that I won't even be able to access. 

Two questions though. 

1: If I do become a patreon supporter is there a more reliable link to download from?

2: What are the primary differences between v0.13.2 and v0.14? (In terms of amount of content)

(1 edit) (+2)

Nopy recently shut down, which was the primary download host. My patreon however has always had multiple mirrors, as do the links for patrons. There is only one link for each version here, so it is more limited.

v0.14 also includes multiple different ways to download as well. You now have the option of downloading just the update, which is around 550MB at the moment, and you have the added option of downloading the entire game in two parts to combine after they're downloaded, which will also get around some limits of download hosts.

As of v0.14 beta 4, there are 40 new scenes and roughly 192 minutes of new content.