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Here's a very solarpunk single player game where you play as a tinkerer in a post-apocalyptic world full of nature and non-violence; the game revolves around space exploration and community discovery, all the while integrating a very videogame-like tinkering system where you nest Tetris pieces on large grids to build things for yourself and those you live with. The game may have a bit too much randomness for me, but it has a really well thought out and surprisingly dense mechanic, which also proves that a system without real adversity can still be very interesting and integrate failure in an elegant way (here, with the pieces of our tinkerings rotting little by little and can give rise to a bit more negative scenes than in the rest of the game). I finished my reading with the impression that it lacked a little something to make Scraps a real good game, but as it is, it is already very striking!


Thank you so much for your observations!