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Cezar Capacle

A member registered May 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yes, absolutely! Go for it! ^^

Yes, there’ll be some more added soon!

Thank you so much for your kind words, that really warms my heart! Fantastic playthrough, you really put the game's procedures to great use. I was cheering along Aelwen, that final encounter was brilliant. Mind if I link to your sessions on the game page?

Thank you so much! ^^

Thank you very much!

I really appreciate that, thank you!

Thank you, Lucas, that’s very kind!

I appreciate your kind words, thank you!

Thanks, appreciate your support!

Love that approach! I can see it being a fun solo experience 

Poxa, muito obrigado!

Really appreciate that, thank you!

Thank you very much! 

I’m using size 8 for body text and 15-17 for headings. 

Hello! Thank you so much for the report, that warms my heart!

Unfortunately, I haven't had the bandwidth to admin a community until now. I've considered it multiple times, but as of yet, I haven't found an alternative that wouldn't require too much maintenance, you know? I'm still looking, though!

I'll be adding more soon!

This is super cool! I added it to the Push Games Collection. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much! 

So I dug a little bit, and it seems it is a known Kobo issue.

I've read reports here and here, with possible solutions being presented for Windows and Mac users. 

I'll keep digging, but apparently there's not much I can do on my end.

Hi, there!

Thanks for getting in touch.

That is odd. I don't even use Adobe products. 

I'll have to look into it and get back to you.


There are some more up right now. Cheers!

Hey, there! Let me help. 

Check among your download files here on itch. You’ll see external links that start with “Random Realities_physical-…”

Those links will get you to Lulu, and the price you see there is already at cost! 

Let me know if that helps!

Yes, I’m planning on doing that tomorrow!

I missed this comment, I am sorry. Yes, it very much is a kid-friendly game! 

They are frequently refreshed! Please, feel free to grab one! ^^

I am happy to announce that the new version with proper art is up!

The latter! I've been replenishing them daily ^^ 

Sure, just put some more up!

Hey there!

Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad it has been offering you a cool system to play. 

And absolutely, I'd be thrilled if you used it as a writing tool! ^^

Thanks, I'm thrilled to have revisited this one.

Appreciate your kind words, thank you!

Luckily for me, Kim Holm offers a lot of his art as CC-BY!

Just did! If I've done everything correctly, you should be receiving an email soon!

Hello! Game updated with new art! ^^

Thank you so much! I hadn't considered it, but I'm excited to learn there is interest in hacking the game ^^

Ah, my bad. I posted a screenshot, but apparently it didn’t upload 😅

Anyways, thank you!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, yes. This game is a bit bigger in dimensions, and it ended up a bit more expensive, I am afraid.  As you can see, revenue is set at 0.00

Thank you so much, appreciate your support! ^^

Fixing it right now, thank you!

(My eyes are showing their age)

There are some more up now!

Hi, there! Thanks! Yup, I keep updating them frequently! ^^