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I'm glad you enjoyed the first game though I would agree that it (and most VN) end at what I've always considered 'the beginning'. I do think that is because what comes after the start of relationship is much more subject to taste - some people have ideals of the MC settling down and having lots of children whereas for others that would be something they really didn't envision for her.

But I hope with this sequel I will be able to explore the continuation of the couples from the first game and their dynamics, while not feeling I am betraying any player expectations or blindsiding anyone. 

I can see the concern, but I don't think it will be something you have to worry about; for one, like seduce me 2, you have a common plot already, so you can avoid the baby and marriage thing altogether and just imply it at the end like that game did.

For second, I don't think continuations to the story are that maligned; fandisks to popular games were a huge deal in Japan a couple of  years ago, though only Code Realize and its fandisks made its way west. From what I've seen, the first one was well received. And even a few indie games have done it; always remember me had one in never forget me that dealt with all the gritty parts of marriage and I for one enjoyed it much more than the first game.

Overall, if you have the inspiration to do it, I feel it's a worthwhile experiment. If nothing, you'll be able to gauge how the market reacts and be better prepared if you ever have another game you want to make a sequel to. Or if you ever want to make a game with a different story structure that has the character marry midway or at the start of the game; another concept that I seldom see in VNs.