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Awesome experiment Max (I assume that's your name HAHA)! I loved the monster design and really appreciated some of the scares! i'd say your biggest takeaway should be the audio, it has it's moments, but there's a lot to be gained here. My other thoughts are in the video: it's probably my best work so far, I had loads of fun editing this! Keep it up and I'll be keeping an eye on your work!

(1 edit)

Thanks bro. Will check out your video.

Edit: Your sound in the video is a bit out of sync bro.

(2 edits)

Shit for real? I’ll check it out!

Edit: not really getting that, any specific timestamp you’re noticing it at?

its 1 sec delay or something like that, no big deal. Just couldn't help notice it. Check when you trying opening the doors or the jumpscares. Anyways good video.

Gotcha, thanks for keeping an eye out!